We believe in the power of prayer at Enka Baptist because we know the Source of that power! To demonstrate our belief, we minister in the following ways:
1. Prayer Chain – Requests are sent out through emails and phone calls for those in need of special prayer. We also try to follow up with details and praises for answered prayer when results are known.
2. Remember to Pray at Eight and Eight – The members of our church have been encouraged to pray at either 8:00 a.m. or 8:00 p.m. (or both if possible). There is a special closeness to God and to each other when you know your fellow Christians are praying with you.
3. The Altar is Always Open — Our congregation is encouraged to gather at the altar before Sunday School each Sunday morning to pray for each other and for our Pastor as he brings the morning message.
4. Prayer Walk – On the fourth Sunday of each month we are encouraged to gather prior to Sunday School to walk throughout the buildings to pray for all ages who meet there and for special needs.
5. Intercessory Prayer During Worship Service – Volunteers gather during the worship service to pray for our Pastor and for requests that have been turned in that morning. We have been especially blessed with knowing that we have a part in what is being said and how the Holy Spirit is working.
6. Prayer for Members – On the last Sunday evening of each month our Pastor leads us as we open our church directory and pray for our members. In this way we direct our prayers to each family and pray specifically for them and for any known needs.
7. Wednesday Evening Prayer Meetings (2nd and 4th Wednesdays) – During these mid-week services we have intercessory prayer and prayer for the concerns of our members.
8. The Art of Conversational Prayer – Know that God is always ready to have a conversation with you. You don’t need a special time or place – simply talk to God just like you talk to your best friend. He loves to hear from you.
We invite all of you to take advantage of this wonderful privilege to communicate with our Heavenly Father at every opportunity!